"As demand for housing soars and rents grow ever more unaffordable, people may find our porous borders increasingly intolerable"
Telegraph: 20th May 2024: Tom Harris comments on the true cost of mass migration and likely implications.
"...The cost of renting a home increased by a staggering 30 per cent from mid-2021 to the start of this year, while wages rose by 17 per cent in the same period. Compare that with the record of the preceding decade, when rents rose by 26 per cent, just 1 per cent less than the increase in wages...
According to analysis by Capital Economics, rents in the 2021-24 period climbed 11 per cent higher than they would otherwise have done thanks to the unprecedented levels of immigration...
..The arithmetic is straightforward: figures show that in the two years from mid-2021 to June 2023, based on the average household size, net immigration led to an additional 430,000 households looking for homes in the private rented sector. Meanwhile, the government’s own target to build an extra 300,000 new homes every year has never been met...
...Now that we have direct, hard evidence that more than 10 per cent of rent increases – particularly in London where rent is the highest in the country – can be attributed to immigration..."