"The lesson from this sorry saga is that there can be no more half measures, especially when it comes to the nation’s security"
Telegraph: 18th April 2024: Robert Jenrick argues it's time to quite the ECHR
"Twenty-two weeks after supposedly “emergency legislation” was announced... the Safety of Rwanda Bill has still not become an Act... The Bill is legally and operationally flawed. It still allows illegal migrants to make drawn-out individual appeals, fails to carve out Tony Blair’s Human Rights Act sufficiently, and provides inadequate protections against activist injunctions from the Strasbourg Court...
...Without a functional third country removals policy, there’s every reason to believe the numbers will continue to increase... The web of international frameworks and treaties like the ECHR that have been stretched beyond recognition by activist judges must finally be confronted.
Some cling to the comfort blanket that the ECHR can be reformed... this is a delusion.
The questions to which anyone wavering about our membership of the ECHR must ask themselves are: does it make us safer, does it make us more prosperous, and does it increase our influence?... the answer is no... Time and again, it prevents us from pursuing our vital national interests..."
It has replaced government by elected politicians – accountable to the public – with government by an unaccountable judicial-administrative elite..."