"Rwanda will help us take back control of our borders"


Express: 24th April 2024: Priti Patel writes for the paper about what the Rwanda breakthrough will mean for the country

"The Prime Minister’s statement on the operational plans in place to deliver removals of asylum seekers who have entered the UK illegally to have their claims processed in Rwanda was clear...

...other countries are looking to copy our partnership, with EU nations taking an interest in the plans I put forward because of the positive difference they can make.

When I negotiated and agreed the Partnership two years ago, I worked closely with my counterparts in Rwanda and their foreign minister Vincent Biruta to find solutions and develop a new way to address the unsustainable nature of global migration flows and people trafficking... 

Everyone should work together to stop the people smugglers and to the credit of the Rwandan Government, they are committed to playing an international role addressing these challenges and should be commended for their support and patience.

Over the last two years they have faced criticisms and unfounded smears by those activists, lawyers and politicians desperate to frustrate our efforts to control our border...

Those attacks on Rwanda have been wrong and disingenuous. Rwanda is a vibrant country that already works closely with the UNHRC to support over 130,000 refugees, has lifted over a million out of poverty this century... seen life expectancy more than double since the 1990s.

The Rwandan economy is growing at around 7% to 8% a year, they are an increasingly attractive country for investment due to legal, economic and political reforms, and their tourist industry is so strong they are able to sponsor and partner with Arsenal Football Club...

...In 2009 they became the second country without historic ties to the UK to join the Commonwealth because of their commitment to those shared values..."