"West-hating pro-Palestinian protests are a harbinger of much worse to come
Our societies are being poisoned by the virus of ‘victimhood’ and entitlement"
Telegraph: 1st May 2024: Allister Heath (Sunday Telegraph Editor) considering what the UCLA protests tell us about Western civilisation
"Covid is long since over, but the protesters still wear face masks: the ignorant, entitled little delinquents running riot in so many of the world’s greatest universities are truly an embarrassment. The product of a catastrophic social experiment, of years of brainwashing and coddling, they embody all of the Western world’s most debilitating pathologies.
Their childish, self-important antics would be risible were their normalisation of hatred not so ominous, their rejection of democratic, liberal and conservative norms alike not so terrifying... this bunch are self-loathing, inchoate nihilists who hate the West, hate America, hate Britain, hate Israel, and want to tear down everything great about our civilisation. ...They entirely lack theological understanding... They wave LGBTQ+ flags while chanting “from the river to the sea”... filmed engaging in despicable anti-Semitic hate speech...
...The protesters have been contaminated by two ideological viruses... They have swallowed the lie that the West is the fount of all evil... and that we are destroying the planet... traditionally far-Left and far-Right tropes have fused into a full-service, sickeningly authoritarian woke replacement ideology lapped up..."...