• Farmers protest in Beverley against Labour's Family Farm Tax

    Andrew Allison, PopCon's Head of Campaigns, attended a farmers' protest near his home in East Yorkshire on Wednesday. 


  • Victorian Values

    Our scribe salutes the bravery of the civil service

  • Charge of the Flight Brigade

    Our scribe reflects on the year past and hazards a look into the future

  • Getting on Mandy

    Mr. Swift examines the apparently irresistible rise of Lord (Peter) Mandelson as he jets off to be ambassador to the United States

  • So. Farewell then, the hereditary peerage

    Our resident scribe bemoans another act of constitutional destruction by the present administration

  • Giant Redwood

    Following our most recent PopConversation with Sir John Redwood, our resident raconteur Swift reviews the discussion 


  • Introducing the new PopCon Podcast

    In the first PopCon Podcast, Head of Campaigns, Andrew Allison, talks to Ross Thomson, the former Conservative MP for Aberdeen South from 2017-2019. 


  • Mark my words: Reform UK: A trickle or a flood?

    In his latest column, PopCon Director, Mark Littlewood, looks at Reform UK and argues that there is a route back for the Conservative Party if it becomes unapologetically and emphatically conservative again.


  • The Maestro

    With Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg dubbed the 'Honourable Member for the 18th Century', who better than PopCon's own 18th Century wordsmith 'Swift' to review his performance?

  • Mark my words: Net migration is ten times higher than Reform UK’s total membership

    In his latest column, PopCon Director Mark Littlewood says that he has "started to think of the UK more as a club than a mere landmass. Clubs tend to have membership fees and they also have rules. To acquire and retain membership, you need to pay the former and abide by the latter. In broad terms, we should think about immigration in the same way. A financial contribution is a prerequisite, but you also need to “fit in”."


  • Mark my words: Labour will implode, but what happens then?

    In his latest column, PopCon Director, Mark Littlewood, says it's time to be bold. 


  • Why I marched in support of our farmers

    Rachel Carnac, Conservative Group Leader on Canterbury City Council and Vice Chairman the Conservative Rural Forum, marched with and in support of farmers in Westminster today. Here she explains why.