"Recent actions of the elites will perhaps be seen in time as yet another massive overreach"
Conservative Woman: 18th April 2024: Andrew Cadman asks if the elites have gone too far
"It's very easy to be deeply pessimistic at present: wherever you look, freedom and democracy are in full retreat. Perhaps it would be better to say that freedom is in full retreat – a natural consequence of us not living in functioning democracies for a considerable time now.
Top of the list must be the outrageous power grab by the European Court of Human Rights to mandate climate policy in Switzerland, followed closely by the deeply sinister attempt to ban the National Conservative conference in Brussels by its Mayor on Monday...
Meanwhile in the UK MPs voted for the nannying smoking ban at the same time as moving to decriminalise abortion: what both decisions have in common is a deep aversion by the political elite for individuals to be free but held responsible for the consequences of their actions...
It’s all part of the broader anti-freedom, anti-democratic trend: the mooted agenda of an incoming Labour government is to complete the Blairite revolution, essentially to strangle what little remains of British democracy by handing yet more power to technocratic institutions and further gerrymandering the voting system...
...a profoundly worrying feature is the growing narrative amongst the elites in Western countries that global conflict is becoming inevitable. Do they know something we don’t, or is this a perhaps a subconscious desire on their part? After all, nothing justifies increased state control over our lives more than a major war, as George Orwell so presciently noted in 1984, and covid taught us how the elites are happy to hysterically amplify threats in order to maintain and extend their power..."