"ONS female employees could face disciplinary action if they object to trans colleagues using their lavatories"


Telegraph: 30th March 2024: Report on leaked documents revealing that the institution has been ‘captured’ by transgender activists

"Women working for the Office for National Statistics [ONS] could face disciplinary action if they object to male-born colleagues using single-sex lavatories and changing rooms, documents leaked to The Sunday Telegraph reveal......internal communications and posts from the ONS intranet show that the statistics body has been subject to “institutional capture” by trans activists...

It follows criticism of the ONS amid claims that it may have overestimated the number of trans people in the census.

A set of ONS resources on “Gender Identity and Transitioning at Work” includes a manager’s checklist for supporting a transitioning employee with a section headed “use of single-sex facilities”... The document says that “if colleagues object to sharing facilities with employees going through transition, the situation should be dealt with through communication, discussion and education. “If colleagues persist with unreasonable objections you may need to manage the situation via grievance or disciplinary procedures.”...

Fiona McAnena, Sex Matters’ director of campaigns, said: “The ONS staff documents that have been leaked are inaccurate, ideologically driven and inflammatory. This is what institutional capture looks like.”... She added: “These documents would be a cause for concern in any public sector body. That they come from within the national statistics body helps explain why the ONS made such a mess of the census questions on sex and ‘gender identity’.”