"Britain is already too far down the road to serfdom to turn back now

The Budget won’t fix the economy or the Tories’ problems. It simply reflects the managerial consensus" 


Telegraph: 6th March 2024: Sunday Telegraph Editor, Allister Heath, provides his verdict on the Spring Budget and the Conservative Party

"Had this Budget been delivered by a Labour chancellor, the Tories would be crying blue murder. They would be railing against our dash down Hayek’s Road to Serfdom, bemoaning the most egregious growth-sapping class warfare since Gordon Brown, and explaining why the tax cuts were in fact cancelled out by a stealth grab... 

Britain’s centre of political gravity has shifted Leftwards... both main parties agree on almost everything when it comes to the economy. They offer no real choice, no clash of vision, no alternative to Britain’s slow drift into social democratic irrelevance... 

[The Chancellor's] defenders will insist he has no choice... he has no money left for net tax cuts in the absence of much faster growth...

Generating much more GDP ought to be the answer, but this would require deregulation, drastically increasing housebuilding, dramatically reforming welfare and massive tax cuts on entrepreneurs and other wealth creators, none of which would be palatable to Sunak’s Tory party...

It’s too late. Britain is a supertanker aiming straight for the rocks, and the Sunak government has failed to shift its trajectory. This latest Budget will neither fix the Tories’ political problems nor cure any of the pathologies crippling Britain’s economy and society."