"Civil Service union tries to stop Rwanda flights with judicial review"


Telegraph: 1st May 2024: News report on the FDA (the only trade union dedicated to representing managers and professionals in public service) submitting application for judicial review on Rwanda bill 

"Civil servants are threatening to scupper Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda plan by mounting the first legal challenge to the landmark legislation...

The FDA union, which represents senior civil servants, has submitted an application for a judicial review over concerns that Home Office staff could be in breach of international law if they implement the Prime Minister’s Safety of Rwanda Act...

The Act gives ministers the power to decide whether to comply with a Rule 39 order made by the Strasbourg court, one of which grounded the first flight to Rwanda in June 2022. Civil servants have been instructed that they must defer to ministers over such decisions...

...Dave Penman, FDA general secretary, said:... “This is not an accident, or down to poor drafting. It’s a political choice from the Government, made not for the good of the country but to avoid upsetting either of the warring factions within its own party... Faced with a government that is prepared to act in this cowardly, reckless way, it is left to the FDA to defend our members and the integrity of the Civil Service.”

...It is not the first time the FDA has brought a judicial review over the Government’s decisions..."


[PopCon says: check out our mission statement here]