"Taxes, regulation and ‘the blob’ caused Europe and the U.K. to stagnate. He shows us the way out."
Wall Street Journal: 12th November 2024: Liz Truss explains how the next US President can help Europeans 'take back control' and achieve economic success
"Donald Trump’s re-election is a victory for conservatism over wokeism, for the people over the elite, and for the American economic model over the European... Most European nations consigned themselves to the economic doldrums through heavy taxes and regulation. They’ve suffered high energy costs and stagnation as a result...
Mr. Trump’s strategy is the opposite...
In his first term, he cut taxes and rolled back regulation... His second term promises even more prosperity... By letting the energy industry “drill, baby, drill,” repealing regulation, and further cutting taxes, he will turbocharge the U.S. economy.
Mr. Trump has also vowed to finish off the deep state—what we in Britain call “the blob.”... In doing so, the Trump administration will protect the Constitution. Too much power has been delegated to unaccountable bureaucrats. Undoing this is necessary to restore American greatness—but fraught with risk. The unelected elite are powerful and fight dirty... I saw this for myself as prime minister when I tried to implement tax cuts and supply side reforms such as fracking deregulation... They were undermined by the Bank of England and others who wanted to maintain the status quo of uncontrolled immigration, net-zero orthodoxy and big government...
...Mr. Trump can help Europe help itself. When negotiating trade agreements, he can refuse carbon border taxes... Also on the chopping block should be the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s disastrous minimum-tax agreement, which imposes a tax floor of 15% on multinational corporations... Mr. Trump can do more than end wokeism..."