Free Market Roadshow to make the case for smaller government

Fred de Fossard from the Legatum Institute lays out the importance of making the case for market liberalism once again


Next week, the Legatum Institute hosts the London leg of the international Free Market Roadshow Tour.

Touring throughout Europe and North America, the Free Market Roadshow is one of the leading conservative, free-market and small state tours in the world. Founded by the Austrian Economics Center, it is devoted to spreading the word of free markets, creative destruction, and entrepreneurialism on university campuses and in the world’s finest centre right think tanks.

It is an important part of the spring calendar for conservatives and libertarians throughout the west. This year’s tour began in Brussels in March, has gone all over Europe – from the Balkans to the Baltic, east and west – to the United States and is concluding in the United Kingdom next week, with a stop in Cambridge, and its triumphant conclusion in London on Tuesday 21st May.

Anyone interested in free market economics, the importance of Hayek’s legacy, and how to craft a popular conservative narrative for Britain’s future should attend or watch on the livestream.

With a full programme of events running throughout the day, Legatum Institute and the Adam Smith Institute will host talks and panels on defending and promoting capitalism, the US-UK relationship, how to sell free markets to young people and find solutions on everything ranging from housing and immigration, to regulation and inflation, and the future of conservatism.

The threats to free markets and popular conservative beliefs exist the world over. Whether it is the ratcheting up of the trade war between the West and China, the toxic combination of an expanding state and growing economic inactivity at home, or the regulatory nightmares of ESG and woke capitalism forcing hard-earned capital down the drain, those who believe in liberty and prosperity must always campaign, evangelise, and persuade the public of the virtue and value of free markets. Next week’s event will be an important part of that.

Speakers will include Robert Jenrick MP, Sir Brandon Lewis MP, Sir John Redwood, Lord Hannan of Kingsclere, and many more.

To register your interest and apply for the event, please click here.