"The BBC is hiding the toxic truth about anti-Israel protests

Its reporting of campus demonstrations has failed to properly reflect the anti-Semitism at their heart"


Telegraph: Comment piece highlighting the BBC's failings on its reporting of the protests in the USA universities  

"For the latest evidence of the BBC’s failure to take anti-Semitism seriously, look no further than the corporation’s reporting of the campus protests at Columbia and other American universities. It goes without saying that we all have the right to protest. But it is abundantly clear that what is taking place on these campuses is a great deal more toxic, ugly and racist. Violence, intimidation and threats against Jewish students and teachers have been a daily occurrence... 

At Columbia...captured on video, protesters screamed the following at two Jewish students outside the campus gates: “Never forget the 7th of October.” “That will happen not one more time, not five more times, not 10 … but ten thousand times.” “The 7th of October is going to be every day for you!”...

Yet reading the BBC’s online reporting of the protests, you would often have little idea that racism against Jews is loud and proud and Jewish students and teachers are experiencing something truly horrendous...

A BBC News article first published on April 26, titled “What do pro-Palestinian student protesters at US universities want?”, speaks volumes through what it left out until it was apparently updated. This “explainer” did not make a single mention of anti-Semitism at the protests..."